Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Life still isn’t fair, so get over it

Throughout human history people have tried everything to make life fair for them. But it never has been and never will be as long as life remains imperfect.
Unfairness is a universal truth ranking up there with death and taxes. Life just is unfair, and there’s really nothing we can do about it. So get over it already.
The fact is that there’s always somebody else who seems to have it better than you do. Somewhere in the world, somebody else has more money and more material possessions than you. Somebody somewhere is healthier and happier than you. And undoubtedly, somebody somewhere is probably having more fun and experiencing more pleasure than you are right now.
So, what’s to be done about it?
Nothing. Absolutely nothing can be done to make life fairer for you so that you can have the same pleasures, happiness, money or material possessions as another person.
But try telling this to the avowed Marxist-socialist, whose fundamental belief is in a fair, equitable and even distribution of money and material so that everyone has the same things and nobody wants. Modern left-wing progressives are cut from the same cloth as traditional Nineteenth Century socialists. They have been influencing federal and state domestic policies for a hundred years. Their goal is socioeconomic egalitarianism where everyone is equal and has an equal share in everything. Nobody wants, everyone is taken care of, and there are no have-nots.
A pipe dream if I ever heard one.
The rift between rich and poor has existed since the dawn of human civilization. In every society, in every culture, in every country and political nation, there are rich people and there are poor people. Even in socialist countries where egalitarianism is not only the exclusive practice but also the law, there are those who seem to have more than others.
Take the former Soviet Union as Exhibit A. The Russian Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 ushered in a 75-year period of communism, or extreme social egalitarianism. During that time, the number of poor Russians grew exponentially as the government took from the haves and divided up its booty to distribute equally among the have-nots.
The result was long lines of poor people waiting to get their daily rations of food, clothing and other material necessary for living.
By trying to institute a policy of fairness, equality and sameness the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics brought more suffering to its people than had even been suffered under the rule of the Czars. In other words, by trying to make things fair, the Russian leadership ended up only making things worse for the Russian people.
By taking money from the haves, the USSR caused massive unemployment, because the haves employed the have-nots. Communist Russia turned its haves into have-nots, too. So everyone was now equally poor and poorly the same.
And yet, despite all of the widespread suffering experienced throughout the USSR, there still existed the haves in government; those in power who dictated to and over the people. They were the ones trying to make things “equal” and the same for everyone else, while personally living beyond their means themselves, and way above the level of the average Russian citizen.
All things being equal, then, the Soviet Union in all its extremism wasn’t truly equal after all. Fairness was something propagandized, but not practiced by the government elite.
The former USSR has since become an object lesson on how not to do things.
But despite what we have gleaned from Russia’s political fiasco, today’s leftist progressives seem impervious to the lessons of history. They ignore the fact that socialism—whether in mild or extreme forms—fails on its own.
Modern leftists believe that they can do better than the Bolsheviks did. They think that they have the answers and that the results of their plans will be different.
Renowned Twentieth Century physicist Albert Einstein once offered his definition of insanity: Doing the same things over and over again, and expecting different results each time.
Based on Einstein’s explanation, left-wing progressives must be insane because they truly believe that they can do better than the last socialist efforts to equalize society.
Progressives point to communist China as an example of socialist economic success. But the communist China of today is nowhere near the original Maoist China of the 1950s.
The old communist China was a third world country, very nearly medieval in its technology, health care, food and living standards.
Not until the 1990s had China made the transition out of the dark ages of communism and into a modern age of industrialism and technological advancement. Largely with the help of the United States of America—a right-wing capitalist and free market nation—China has become an emerging world industrial, economic, political and military power. America’s self-destructive domestic economic policies have handcuffed her own businesses and industries, thereby helping China immensely in its drive to compete with the rest of the world because American companies have relocated operations overseas where the corporate climate is friendlier and the cost of doing business is much cheaper. America, in fact, has gone out of her way to support and promote China to her own disadvantage and detriment.
As such, China is merely a shadow of its former self. It is more like a hybrid of socialist and capitalist—capocialist.
If it weren’t for capitalism, communist China would likely not be any better off than its failed Russian counterpart, the USSR.
So, to the progressive propagandists who like to use China as a model of socialist success, I’d like to point out that it is only successful when funded by capitalism. China is funded by the capitalist United States, and that’s why it is successful. Period.
But I digress: The utopian idea of fairness cannot be successfully implemented by government policy. That has been tried many times before, and it has failed consistently.
The bottom line is that man cannot mandate fairness, because life itself isn’t fair.
Consider all of the equality laws that exist in the United States of America. The federal codes are fat with them. And yet, despite exhaustive legislative efforts to make everyone equal under the law, inequality still exists. This is because fairness is a human character trait; it isn’t a legal matter.
Fairness cannot be legislated any more effectively than morality can.
As such, I’d like to say something to the individual who cries that life is not fair, and then appeals to his government for help: Life will still be unfair, even after the bureaucrats are through manipulating individual liberty yet again. Your only comfort and gain will be a superficial notion that somebody in power somewhere did something about your unfair circumstance by proposing and passing yet another law; one that will only end up getting lost in the tens of thousands of other laws clogging the books. Such a law will have no effect whatsoever on making your life any more fair than it already is or is not. Instead, all any law against unfairness does is shave yet another chip off the statue of liberty. Eventually, once all the people with an axe to grind are through trying to make life fair for them, all that shall remain of essential liberty will be a pile of chips and shavings that once resembled freedom.

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