Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The slippery slope of degeneracy

Whenever a television or film producer decides to push the envelope of public decency further, what I commonly hear from them is that there is market demand for racy material, and that they are only producing what the public wants. Pornography producers routinely say the same thing about the smut that they are pushing. They are only responding to what the market demands.
What these entertainment degenerates know is how debase and carnal human nature is. They know and understand how to appeal to that nature, so that when the average person sees it, he will naturally, impulsively want to see more. What this phenomenon creates, then, is a demand to see more out of initial exposure and its shock value.
So, degenerate producers are right that there is a demand. But what they don’t say is that they are influencing this demand by putting the material out there and waiting for the anticipated human response to it.
Make no mistake: Producers of visual and audio entertainment know well the profound effects of psychology on the average viewer or listener. The material they produce is deliberate, because they know that shock value works in their favor.
Twenty years ago, it was unheard of for television to utter most profane words on prime time broadcasts. There were “bedroom scenes,” but these showed the actors and actresses under the sheets afterward; not during. Today, showing a “sex scene” in prime time is not uncommon. Such scenes show copious amounts of skin, but they fall just short of pornography, because no genitals are exposed or shown. There are sound effects, movements, motions and positioning that are not merely racy or sexually suggestive anymore, but outright explicit.
Even sexual innuendos and humor, which have existed a lot longer than near-nudity has on television, have degenerated to a point where the script might as well belong in a porno movie than on primetime, broadcast TV.
Consider the hit television show “Two and a Half Men” as an example. The prevailing theme for this program is sex. It is centered not around the two brothers and their nephew, but rather the brothers’ adult escapades.
This is probably an exaggeration on my part, but it seems like every other scene in an episode of this show is either sexual, sexually suggestive or contains an explicit innuendo.
The program glorifies casual sex, including extramarital sex. Clearly, the show appeals to carnal nature. There is little to no intellectual value contained in the script. It has thrived on shock value, the very technique discussed earlier that has succeeded in pushing the envelope on decency a little further, and lowering the bar on moral standards. People like the show for its shock value, its racy material, and its edginess in relation to the envelope. Why? Because it appeals to their innate carnal natures, and they tend to want to feed that nature once it has been teased.
Other broadcast television shows similar with high sexual content include “How I Met Your Mother,” “Desperate Housewives,” and “Cougar Town.” All of them focus on sex, because of its power and the effectiveness of its shock value.
It is no wonder that these shows are highly rated.
Don’t get me wrong: I’m not blaming the entertainment industry entirely for cultural degeneracy. The public is equally to blame for consuming the material. However, the producers of debased programming are purposely, intentionally and willingly feeding the fire that they helped to start in the first place.
Moral degeneracy is invasive. It starts on the outside and infiltrates to the inside, where it then spreads, metastasizes and becomes pervasive until it permeates the very foundation of a culture, a value and, especially a person’s character.
In order for there to be a plant, there must first be a seed. The debased culture of Hollywood—used loosely to represent the entertainment industry as a whole—has been a seed for planting degeneracy in the popular culture, which, in turn, dictates and drives market demand.
The entertainment industry is thus producing what it ultimately wants to produce, because it has created that demand through the psychological seed of degeneracy.
Don’t let the Hollywood degenerates fool you into thinking that they are merely responding innocently to popular demand.
They are eager, more than willing to produce debased material, and what they will never tell you is that it has been their desire to do so all along.

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