Monday, July 1, 2013

Either J-Lo is an idiot...

...or her support staff is.

Regardless, there's a village missing somebody on the Jennifer Lopez team.

The mega-star actress and singer gave a birthday performance to the president of Turkmenistan, a well-known human rights violator. When news of this leaked out, J-Lo's collateral damage crew hit the information waves in high gear, by issuing a statement that had the entertainer known of the human rights abuses, she never would have agreed to perform for the Turkmenistan president in the first place. This is code for, "Oh, crap. We are so stupid!"

J-Lo, I have three words for you and your public relations staff: Do your homework.

As a mega-celebrity you have access to more information than us common Joe and Betty Sixpacks do. Yet even John and Jane Q. Public could have performed a conscientious information search to see whether or not this political leader was worth celebrating. The information is out there; plentiful and documented by legitimate and reliable human rights sources. But the J-Lo team failed to do a reference check on the Turkmenistan president.

In a world with a history full of human rights abuses, violations, and outright crimes, one would think that checking up on the leader of a former Soviet block country would not only be common sense, but second nature, for anyone from the western free world looking to pay him a visit.

The bottom line here is that neither J-Lo nor her staff gave much thought to international political nuances; of which there are many, varied and complicated. Rather, what the J-Lo brand saw was a way to make some fast, easy money by entertaining a politician for a few minutes.

Hopefully this is a lesson learned for J-Lo and the people she employs to protect her corporation.

Without bagging too much on J-Lo personally, she isn't the first or only celebrity to perform for less than savory international figures. She isn't the first to draw this kind of scrutiny, ire or controversy. And she won't be the last, unfortunately.

The evidence has convicted me to believe that celebrities--entertainers, athletes, artists, media personalities and so forth--aren't typically the brightest stars in the sky; they are the wealthiest, for sure, but I've examined sharper butter knives than many of these people.

It is most unfortunate that so many celebrities have more money than brains. They have more wealth than they know what to do with, and not enough brains to figure out what to do with the fortunes they have.

Jennifer Lopez is a beautiful woman. But she is also a glamourized bimbo. She doesn't appear to have the brains to think for herself, much less hire people with more brains than she does to do the thinking for her. It is a classic case of the brainless leading the brainless. Or, idiots forming their own village. Whichever.

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