Sixty years ago, fascism had a well-known face. Nazi Germany, its leader, Adolf Hitler, and the swastika symbol were much maligned at the time. Since then, groups have surfaced adopting the swastika and its association with Nazi ideology. We have come to know them as “Neo Nazis” and “Skinheads,” among other names.
But these groups are more or less fringe elements in the world today, and really don’t pose much of a threat. Most of them seem content to just keep to themselves and hole up in compounds located in isolated areas of the world.
Nazism today, though, has a new face. Instead of a swastika, the newest Nazis embrace the crescent moon. And rather than social fascism, these Nazis espouse militant Islam. Just as Hitler’s Nazi Party (a.k.a. National Socialist Party) set out to prove the dominance of the “master race,” Islamic Nazis have declared a holy war on the non-Muslim world in an effort to cleanse the earth of all infidels. And like the German Nazis, these new Nazis of Islam have aggressively taken their fight to all who stand in their way; simply leaving them alone will only hasten the spread of their extremist doctrine and fanatical agenda. What we do or don’t do in response to militant Islamic attacks has no bearing on their end goals. But how we respond can have a significant impact on whether or not this frightening movement achieves its objectives.
I’ve read blogs claiming that the Jews or George W. Bush and the republicans are responsible for 9/11; not Islamic terrorists. The movie “Fahrenheit 911” and its fat slob producer Michael Moore make this very assertion. I’ve also heard the leader of Iran state that the Holocaust was exaggerated. I’ve read other statements claiming that it didn’t happen at all.
Can you see what’s happening? There’s a movement afoot to undermine the efforts of the free world to combat and ultimately defeat militant Islam. There is also a movement intent on placing blame of 9/11 on the Jews.
Coincidentally, Adolf Hitler did the same thing when he took power in the early 1930s. Hitler assumed the helm of Germany on the heels of an economic depression the nation suffered following its debts from World War I. In order for the Nazis to take complete control of the government and its military, enough hysteria and hatred had to be created to convince the German public that a military takeover was necessary. Hitler’s efforts succeeded, and once in power, he proceeded to identify a scapegoat who would shoulder the blame for any problems that would come up during his dictatorship. That scapegoat was the Jews. They were blamed for everything from the 1920s depression to civil unrest in the streets.
History is well-documented with factual information pertaining to the concentration camps, death camps and the millions of people who were murdered by Hitler’s Nazis.
I have no doubt that if militant Islam ever had access to the same means Hitler had, millions of “infidels” would either be gassed or burned to death. There is an ethnic cleansing being planned by this regime; make no mistake about it.
Noted European philosopher George Santayana once expressed, “Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”
If we do not wake up to the anti-Semitic and, quite frankly, pro-Islamic propaganda being generated these days over the Internet, in the newspaper, magazines, and on television, then we are doomed to witness a repeat of the Holocaust.
Perhaps most frightening about efforts to undermine the War on Terror is its appeal right here at home. To know that there are people like Michael Moore who buy into the convoluted theory that 9/11 was a conspiracy masterminded by President Bush is scary. That is about as absurd as suggesting FDR, not the Japanese, had his own navy bombed at Pearl Harbor in order to justify going to war against Hitler’s Germany. But those who believe this conspiracy theory are apt to believe even the Jews were responsible.
If you are one of these people who are gullible enough to believe that simply leaving Afghanistan and Iraq will end terrorism against the United States, or that “Fahrenheit 911” is fact and not propaganda, then I know of a bridge you can buy.
Fact: The terrorists have been attacking us on our soil since 1993, when the World Trade Center was bombed the first time. They attacked us without provocation on 9/11/01 and succeeded in murdering more than 3,000 innocent people. Our embassies overseas were also bombed multiple times pre-9/11. And don’t forget the bombing of the U.S.S. Cole, which also occurred prior to the attacks of 9/11/01. Interesting, isn’t it, that these attacks occurred following the Gulf War of 1991, when we booted Saddam Hussein out of Kuwait and back to Baghdad. Still don’t believe Hussein and his Baath Party in Iraq had anything to do with militant Islamic terrorism? Just stop hating George Bush for a moment and think about it. You might surprise yourself.
Fact: Militant Islam has stated its objectives of destroying all non-Muslim people in the name of its god.
Fact: Militant Islam has even killed fellow Muslims who do not share its fanatical view or support its goals.
Fact: Militant Islam attacks its enemies regardless of whether the response is forceful or peaceful. As I said before, the end goals of Islamic Nazis are not affected by the action or inaction of its targets. We are merely a means to an end: Paradise and 72 virgins. They clearly do not care if their targets are men, women or children; old or young; rich or poor; sick or healthy; guilty or innocent. In their convoluted minds, all who do not believe as they do are guilty and condemned to death.
Given these facts, if we are going to die, wouldn’t it be better to die fighting than begging for mercy at the hands of the merciless?
By the way, did you know that the German Nazi Party was originally called the National Socialist Party? I guess fascism and socialism have more in common than we were told.
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