Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Obasms cause blindness

Everyone likes to feel good. For some people, that alone guides their decisions. It is no surprise, then, that hedonists and wannabes alike are flocking to Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL), who is saying all the right things to make as many voters feel good as possible.
I have heard that people who attend his rallies feel good about themselves and the product (the candidate and his message). Then again, so do a lot of people on placebos.
A hundred years ago, charlatans would peddle their snake oil from the back of wagons to unwitting settlers out along the frontier. They would say or do anything to make a sale. But their tonics were nothing more than cheap liquor that made people feel good when they drank it. So, too, are the “Obasms” people feel while listening to the junior senator from Illinois speak.
While Barack Obama’s message of hope is inspiring, refreshing and admittedly contagious, it really is nothing more than empty promises—the equivalent of useless snake oil. The right words have been proven to get people off as surely as vibrators do.
Obama speaks of change, like reforming health care and giving coverage to ALL Americans. Yet, he fails to explain how his reform is going to be paid for. He states that his plan would be financed through deficit spending. But this means paying for something with money that the United States government does NOT have. In other words, we will simply charge Uncle Sam’s proverbial credit card every time we go to the doctor. Question: How is this “change” different from the way things are done in Washington now?
Obama talks about giving money to individuals hit hard by the mortgage lending crisis. First of all, appealing to people by referring to them as victims and reinforcing victimization is classic political maneuvering and pandering. Politicians know that the shortest distance to a vote is to promise people things: “I’ll give you something in exchange for your vote.”
The senator surmises that the mortgage lending crisis could have been avoided had the government been there to “save the day” in the first place. In other words, he is talking about the need for more regulation.
But Obama does not place any personal responsibility on the lendees, who bought what the sub-prime lenders were selling hook, line and sinker. Call me callous, but if people were gullible enough to jump into the pool without checking for water first, then they deserve what they got.
Now, we have people like Obama pushing for relief to consumers affected by the mortgage crisis.
Questions: Why should I have to pay for somebody else’s mistake? Is it right to award idiots money for their idiocy? Well, that is what Obama and others like him advocate.
The moral of this story is to warn people about the dangers of succumbing to the “Obasm,” which can lead to cognitive blindness if gone untreated.
Studies show that Obasms can cause HIV (Human Intelligence Void), AIDS (Acquired Intelligence Deficient Speeches) and other STDs (Speech Transmission Diseases).
Warning: Obasms are also known to exacerbate symptoms of certain mental disorders, especially those with anxiety and guilt-related features otherwise known as “liberalism.”
Practice safe-thinking, because unprotected thought is a danger to others.

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