Saturday, June 12, 2010

A farewell...not a swan song

This is going to be my last blog entry for a while. I don't know yet how long "a while" is going to be, but first things first.
Yesterday my god-daughter graduated from high school. The keynote speaker at her graduation talked about chasing dreams. I was reminded of similar words spoken at my own high school graduation 18 years ago.
What made the words spoken yesterday so poignant to me was that, although the speaker was directing his speech to the graduates, he was really speaking to all of us.
I remember meeting my god-daughter for the first time seven years ago when she was only 11 years old. Now she is a grown woman and a high school graduate. I am humbly reminded of just how quickly time passes and things change.
I am also humbly reminded that the years that pass cannot be recovered. They are gone forever.
When I graduated from high school, I had a dream, a talent, a gift and a passion that I wanted to pursue. Eighteen years later, I am not only still pursuing it, but have admittedly been spinning my wheels in that pursuit.
With a new baby and a household to provide for, I have been so busy these past few months working at work and working at home without so much as a breather or a break. You parents know what I'm talking about. Even when you're not working, you're working.
Well, driving home last night from our god-daughter's graduation, I turned to my wife with a revelation. I told her that I had to pursue my dream once more; not just because the keynote speech was a keen wake-up call, but also because I now have a five month old son to be a role model for.
What message am I sending him if I continue to procrastinate on my dream, my passion and my life's pursuit? If I tell him to follow his heart and his dreams, and that the hard work and sacrifice to achieve them are worth it, will there be any credibility behind those words of wisdom? More poignantly, will he believe me if he sees that I have given up on mine?
Dreams only die when we stop chasing them, and nothing is impossible if we put our trust in Almighty God and boldly pursue the opportunities He presents to us. The Lord doesn't just drop things in our lap. He actually expects us to assert ourselves. Admittedly, I have not done a very good job of asserting myself with the opportunities He has afforded me.
I wish to change that today.
But being a family man now with parental responsibilities, a full-time job, and chores at home, I find my time to be a preciously shrinking commodity. I must make changes to fit my pursuits into my daily routine if I am to continue chasing my dream.
Therefore, I write this commentary as a farewell, my last for a while. I don't know when I will resume my blogging; maybe in a few months, years, or maybe never. Who knows? It really isn't that important to me anymore, and in order for me to make the changes necessary to follow my dreams, I must be willing to give something up.
I have chosen to give up my participation in the conversation here. I'm not giving up my involvement in politics or my responsibility to stay informed on the issues. I still feel very strongly about one day representing my community in elected office and continuing the political conversation, because I think that it is very important.
However, the blogging I do on this site and others is less important to me. I've devoted a lot of time to it over the years, and probably excessively so. Things must change if I am going to break the cycle of dead or dying dreams; those that get conveniently placed on the shelf with the intention of coming back to at a later time only to become forgotten.
I don't want to do that. I don't want to be one of those people who, in his old age and sunset years, looks back on his life with regret over the things he didn't do or dreams that died because they weren't being chased anymore.
I can't get the last 18 years back; but I sure as heck can try to make the most of the next 18 years by making up for lost time.
After all, when my son is old enough to begin following his heart's desires, I want to be able to counsel, advise and guide him with the authority of somebody who has done it himself. I don't have to succeed, but I do have to try.
While there is still opportunity left in the United States of America, I want to take full advantage of this freedom to pursue my dreams. If nothing else, I will have the satisfaction of knowing that I got up and danced when I had the chance; I didn't spend it all as a wall flower looking back afterward and wondering "what if"?
God gives us this one life to make the most of ourselves for His sake, His glory. If I do nothing with the gifts and talents He has blessed me with, then how am I honoring Him by letting those things go to waste? The truth is, I am not.
Yes, my responsibilities as a husband and a father come before even my dreams. But nothing is impossible if we are determined enough to do the impossible, and trust in the Lord to deliver us to our Promised Land.
No doubt some, or perhaps most, of you will be relieved to see me go. I can only imagine how painful it is to read my very long posts. They are the kind of blogs that you have to brew a cup of coffee in the middle of just to finish. LOL
Others, I'm sure, will be happy to see me go simply because they detest anyone who dares identify himself as a traditional American conservative. One less conservative voice, after all, brings them that much closer to a left-wing, progressive utopia where everyone is the same, has the same and thinks the same way.
But I know there are a few who I will miss with all my heart.
This doesn't mean I'm hanging up my musket and giving up the fight. Far from it. What it means is that I will resume the life of a quiet leader in my household, my neighborhood, and my community. When the war drums beat and the bugle calls, I will answer armed with the Bible, the Constitution, and a will to fight for their protection.
I won't let my country down.
I won't let my son down, either.
I am about to do what I've said all along to myself that I would do, and I will mean everything I say.
When all is said and done, I will be able to look at myself in the mirror with contentment, happiness and satisfaction knowing that I gave it my all, my best shot. I will have tried, and my efforts will not be in vain.
My very best wishes to each and every one of you. May the wind always be at your back. May the sun always shine upon your face. And may the grace of God bless you as it has blessed me.
God bless you and keep you. And remember: Dreams only die when we stop chasing them.

Yours very sincerely,


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