Thursday, May 9, 2013

The next revolution...

…may well take place over the hotly contested health care law pushed by President Barack Obama and the progressive leadership of the Democratic Party.

In light of renewed efforts by the White House and Congress to resurrect the failed health care referendum of 2009, and succeed in passing it into law the following year, there are still some who are willing to stand for liberty.

Idaho Gov. C.L. “Butch” Otter signed a measure requiring the Idaho attorney general to sue the federal government if residents are forced to buy health insurance. The republican governor is basing this measure on the Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which states, “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

To put it more succinctly (if that’s possible) what the Tenth Amendment says is that the powers that the Constitution doesn’t give to the federal government are instead granted to the states or the people therein. Last time I checked, health care and the ability to regulate and control it was not a power granted to the federal government by the U.S. Constitution. It is neither the responsibility of the legislative nor executive nor even judicial branches of the United States government.

As such, the health care issue should be rightfully delegated to the individual states and to the people to regulate as they see fit. What Gov. Otter was saying with his measure is that Congress and the President are acting outside of the powers that the Constitution limits the federal government to.

But wait: It gets even better.

Evidently, more than thirty other states have legislation similar to Idaho. This means that a vast majority of individual states are now poised to sue Uncle Sam for a breach of contract—i.e., the U.S. Constitution—as a result of the health care bill recently passed that requires all citizens to own and carry health insurance. What better way to hurt a bunch of lawyers and career lawmakers than with a lawsuit against the government they are in control of.

Now this is what I call fighting fire with fire.

What we are on the cusp of here is a modern American Revolution. Only this one will be fought with pens and paper, instead of swords and muskets.

Frankly, I hope the lawsuits can proceed and the public at large can get an education about the Constitution and the powers that it limits the federal government to. I hope we see a lawsuit so that the power-hungry progressives, who have run rough-shod over individual liberty with reckless abandon the past several decades, can be exposed for the frauds, phonies and fakes that they really are. I want their political agenda exposed for all to see.

Of course, this is assuming that people still have eyes to see with. Hopefully, the poisonous propaganda spread by the left over the last half century hasn’t done permanent, irreversible damage to our individual senses of what freedom and liberty are really all about.

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